
the case

This is one of Astea’s internal projects, built in-house from scratch, and co-owned by Astea with multimedia and publishing industry visionary, Bob Stein. Astea and Bob have long had an interest in the future of the book and how people’s reading habits are evolving.

SocialBook is designed to be the first viable comprehensive post-print publishing platform.

Тhe product

A cloud-based publishing system, SocialBook enables users to create, distribute, consume, and share multimedia enhanced EPUB books. This includes not only text but video and audio. Uploaded SocialBooks are available for reading in a robust, efficient, and elegant Web-based reader. Readers can create groups with friends, classmates, or reading club members, and engage in closed or open conversations within the margins of a given text.

Тhe results

SocialBook is currently in public beta and is being used in university and K-12 settings, including The Dalton School of New York City where it is being used with excellent results for the study of language, literature, and video-based history courses.

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Get in touch

Astea Solutions AD
8-10 Korab Planina Street, 1407 Sofia,

Astea Solutions, Inc.
445 Route 304, Bardonia,
NY 10954, USA