Twig Intelligence

the case

Sophisticated AI-powered platform for sentiment analysis.

Twig is a new, fast, and affordable way to conduct market research for organizations looking to increase sales, retain customers, and grow their markets. It is a web application designed from the ground up that leverages the power of the GPT-4 AI engine to create large numbers of customized human-like “Personas” that respond to open- and closed-ended questions and then analyzes and summarizes results.

Twig employs a broad range of detailed persona definitions, each embodying a distinct segment of the population. By leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), Twig simulates these personas and provides nuanced, persona-specific responses to queries. Researchers can view response summaries or drill down into specific topics with each persona.

Astea Solutions has built all of the technology powering Twig Intelligence and is a co-founder of and shareholder in Twig Intelligence, Inc.

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Astea Solutions, Inc.
445 Route 304
Bardonia, New York 10954